Foothill High School Electronic Device Policy
Cell phones and other electronic devices are valuable and important in today’s world. However, use of cell phones and other unauthorized electronic devices, such as earbuds or smartwatches, during the instructional day seriously impedes and distracts from the learning process. As a school, we believe that students should be allowed to use cell phones and other devices on campus at appropriate times but not during the instructional day due to the impact of these devices on learning.
Possession of electronic devices (i.e. cell phones, airpods, etc) by a student at school is a privilege, which may be forfeited by any student who does not follow the Foothill High School Electronic Device Policy below. Students bring all electronic devices to school at their own risk.
Students are to turn off cell phones or put on ‘do not disturb’ mode and place the device(s) in the classroom’s cell phone caddy upon entering the room. (Note: possessing a second cell phone while placing one in the cell phone caddy is a violation of the policy)
Phones will stay in the phone caddy for the duration of instructional minutes, even if a student leaves the classroom for the bathroom or another purpose.
Students may ONLY have screens out in a classroom upon teacher's request (A screen could be a laptop, tablet, phone, or smartwatch). When using any device in class, the device must be used for instructional purposes- not chatting, games, watching unauthorized videos, or social media use.
No headphones/earbuds of any kind in or covering your ears for the duration of the class period (from bell-to-bell).
Students may only use cell phones, smartwatches, or headphones/earbuds before school, at lunch, during passing periods, and after school.
Electronic devices must be turned over in entirety if requested by a staff member.
Foothill High School prohibits any photos or videos of classroom lessons, assignments, tests, or homework without explicit teacher permission.
The use by any person of any electronic listening or recording device in any classroom without the prior consent of the instructor is prohibited. (CA Ed Code 78907)
Use of digital device to record teachers, administrators, or other staff members without permission at any time is prohibited (PUSD Discipline Plan)
Use of cell phones or other devices with photographic or video capabilities is prohibited in the locker rooms and bathrooms at all times.*
The district/school shall not be responsible for the loss of or damage to, a cellular phone or other electronic device brought on campus. This policy is in accordance with PUSD Board Policy 5131.8
Consequences for failing to follow the electronic device policy:
1st Offense: warning, parent contact and referral
2nd Offense: detention, parent contact and referral
3rd Offense: detention, conference with an administrator, 7 days loss of school privileges (LOSP), parent contact and referral
4th+ Offense: detention, conference with an administrator, 7 days LOSP, parent contact, referral, and required check-in of device in the front office for 5 school days.
Consequence for use of any device with photographic or video capabilities in a bathroom or locker room*:
Detention, parent contact, administrative conference, 7 days LOSP, and referral
Please note that each classroom is equipped with a phone in case of emergency. In case of a family emergency, a parent or guardian may call the front office who will contact the classroom as necessary. Please also note that Access minutes are instructional minutes, and the electronic device policy applies as such.