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Boys Soccer



Training will start November 13th and end roughly mid-February (Varsity might go longer depending on playoff schedule)

Tentatively practices will be Monday thru Thursday with possible trainings on Saturdays.

Week of Thanksgiving will be limited training and during the Winter break we will be having training a few days. 

See tabs below for each level's schedule.


The PUSD school district does not cover all of the costs for athletic programs. All that is covered by the district is the head coaching stipend, the remainder is all covered by donations.  It is up to each program to pay its own costs via parent donations. This donation covers only the essential costs of coaching stipends and referee/field fees. The recommended donation amount is $400.

You can pay the donation in two ways:

(1) Bring a check with you to hand in to coaches at practice or turn into the Foothill Office to Kathy Young. Checks must be made out to Foothill High School, noting 'Boys Soccer Donation' in the memo line.

(2) Pay online: Here is the link to the donation site (select Boys Soccer):

Company Matching

If your company offers matching funds, this is a great way to maximize your donation.  Please indicate funds go to the boys soccer program.

Driver Clearance


Questions? Email Elizabeth Colon (