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Foothill High School has both an Emergency Plan and a Comprehensive School Safety Plan. Our school practices drills as required by Ed. Code on a regular basis and also works with our District Office EOC (Emergency Operation's Center) on safety exercises annually.

Components of our Comprehensive School Safety Plan as required by Ed. Code (32280 - 32289) as follows:

  1. Child Abuse Reporting Procedures
  2. Disaster Policies
  3. Policies for Suspension and Expulsion
  4. Procedures to Notify Teachers of Dangerous Students
  5. Discrimination and Harassment Policy
  6. Provisions of a School Wide Dress Code
  7. Provisions of Safe Ingress and Egress of Pupils, Parents, and School Employees to and from School
  8. A Safe and Orderly Environment Conducive to Learning at the School
  9. Rule and Procedures on School Discipline
  10. Hate Crime Reporting Procedures

Our School's Safety Committee/School Site Council reviews the Safety Plan annually and provides input and feedback. If you wish to provide input regarding school safety, please feel free to attend the first School Site Council meeting of the year or contact the school office to set up an appointment. The Safety Plan is available for public review in the office by request. The Safety Plan is not available for check out and will not be posted online.